I was a little disappointed in the Trick-or-Treating experience. Not that she cared, but she only got a handful of candy. I don't know if other people had the same experience, or if it was just the area that we live in, but there were very few houses giving out candy, and not too many trick-or-treaters either. Of the few kids that we passed along the way, a lot of them weren't even wearing a costume. I think that there should be some rules for Halloween:
#1 if you are old enough to have a drivers license, NO CANDY.
#2 If you do not have a costume on, NO CANDY
#3 If you can not politely say Trick-or-Treat, No CANDY
and last but not least,
#4 If you don't say Thank you, NO CANDY and I'm taking all of the candy that you do have.
Last night really made me wonder what some parents are teaching their children. A lot of the children that I saw last night have zero respect for adults and other people's property. I understand that kids just want to have a good time, I've been there (and it wasn't THAT long ago...) But why can't parents teach their children to have a good time and be decent human beings at the same time? I believe that a child's actions greatly result from the type of parenting they get at home, so wouldn't adults want to make sure that their children act in an acceptable manner?? Treat others like you want to be treated?? I have high hopes for Hailey's generation, as I watch the parents around me taking the time to socialize and teach their children. I hope that I do as great of a job raising Hailey as my parents did with my brother and I. I mean look at us, we are perfect :)
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